Friday, May 2, 2008


View your mobile screen on your desktop.
Control your mobile by using desktop keyboard and mouse.
Copy/Cut/Paste text between mobile and desktop.
Capture mobile screen.
Drag and drop files to your mobile.
Support ActiveSync / IP Connection
Support Mobile Explorer (File Browse)
Improvement of Connection (WM2005 or later, Vista)
Bug fix, Drag&drop feature on mobile window (ActiveSync via BT,...)
Bug Fix, Character input (Europe/Asian Chars)
Add, IP Connection requires password. (Change Password)
Add, Function Key, F8('*') F9('#') F11(ScreenOff) F12(Home)

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CeRegEditor portable for WindowsMobile

The CeRegEditor is a registry editor for any device (PDA) based on WindowsCE, PocketPC2003 and WindowsMobile(WM5, WM6) system.
It runs on desktop PC but operates on a mobile device.With this feature user is able to user a normal keyboard, mouse and big - even 21' PC's monitor :)

Main features:
Navigate and edit(create) registry keys/values
Fast search Export/import keys in REG format
Management of favourites keys in registry
"Image" of registry with compare and restore service
Offline mode - create, edit files as regular device registry
Support for HV files edition!

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SimManager 1.0

SimManager for smartphone devices. (Türkçe, Polski, Russian, English, Espanol)

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Fizz Traveller 2.4BQ(19) (Türkçe, Polski, Russian, English, Espanol)

Your feature packed travel mate. Some of the best weather forecasts ever seen on a Microsoft mobile device can now be displayed on your Mobile Home Screen. Over 58000 world locations, world times , world alarms, daylight maps, itinerary trip help, currency conversions, general conversions, new graphics, themes, new simple interface & home screen support - this product is your absolute essential everyday and travel tool.

Cihaz'daki Fizz Traveller 2.4 kurulumsuzdur. Diger smartphone cihazlara yüklenebilir.

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Vito AudioNotes v1.32 (Türkçe, Polski, Russian, English, Espanol)

VITO AudioNotes is a Windows Mobile call recorder that allows you to record phone calls on Windows Mobile 5 Smartphones in decent mp3 and wav audio formats. Voice recording on smartphones has never been so simple before VITO AudioNotes!
Apart from being a phone call recorder VITO AudioNotes also allows recording voice notes, lectures, interviews, negotiations and anything else you like. With this Windows Mobile voice recorder you will never lose yourself in heaps of audio recording formats wondering which is better. A student, a businessman or a housewife - no matter what you do - with AudioNotes you don't need to be computer savvy!

Cihaz'daki Audio Notes (sesli notlar)'ın ta kendisi. Kurulum gerektirmeden direk calisabilir. Diger wm smartphone cihazlarda kullanilabilir.
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Vito Ringtone Editor v1.21 (Türkçe, Polski, Russian, English, Espanol)

VITO Ringtone Editor is the quickest way to create your own ringtones. All you need to do is listen to the melody and choose the part of it you want to assign as a ringtone. User-friendly intuitive interface simplifies the process greatly. After you have started VITO Ringtone Editor, browse the folders to find the necessary music file in MP3 and WAV format and start playing it.
While the melody is playing you mark the beginning and the end of a ringtone: just a matter of two presses. The ringtone is created! Now you can immediately assign it as a default ringtone or just save it. You can also replay the ringtone and if it doesn't meet your expectations you can play the original file once again to select a different part. Create your own collection of ringtones with ease!

Cihazda ki ringtone editor'un ta kendisi kurulumsuz calisabilir. Diger windows mobile smartphone cihazlarda kullanilablir.

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Chronos Alarm Clock v3.8.0 Smartphone

Chronos fills a gap in Windows Mobile operating systems by offering an unlimited number of alarms and timers with customizable sound (WMA, MP3 and OGG) and time settings. Two countdowns with lap times lets you track time spent on certain tasks. Supports QVGA and WM2006.
* Unlimited number of highly customizable alarms and timers
* Skinnable clock
* Screen-saver mode
* MP3, OGG, WMA support
* Free upgrades
* QVGA and WM2006 support
* Support of landscape screens
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mundu IM v4.0.285

Mundu IM'in yeni versiyonu: rarli dosya icindeki mundu IM v4.0ws klasorunu direk sd karta atip exe'den calistirabilirsiniz kurulum gerektirmez. Yada cihazdaki mevcut surum 3'un dosyalari \windows klasorunde bulunmakta buraya dosyalari kopyalarsaniz surum 4'e update etmis olursunuz.
Auto-Reconnect feature to connect to the IM services disconnected due to network problems,
OSCAR protocol implementation for AOL,
Protocol v11 for MSN,
Full fledged support for all screen resolutions,
Support for "Vibrate" alerts,
Setting a Display picture,
Support added for 'Digest-MD5' authentication mechanism in XMPP protocol layer.
Recent MSN Login issues that cropped up with certain ID's,
Minor fixes for disconnection issues,
Invisible mode login for Yahoo,
Delete buddy issue in Gtalk,
Defaulting to "7" days for saved messages on re-login,
Few error messages corrected.
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Update for Windows Mobile (KB949168) Daylight Saving Time

Brief Description:
This is the Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 and Windows Mobile 6 (Pocket PC and Smartphone) update to address DST related issues in 2008 due to revised Daylight Saving Time laws in many countries.

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Security Model For Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6.0

  • Control which applications are allowed to run on the device and what they can do.
  • Control who can access specific device settings, and their level of access.
  • Control what desktop applications can do on the device (Remote API (RAPI) control through ActiveSync).
  • Policies configure security settings that are then enforced with the security roles and certificates:
    Security roles determine access to device resources, based on message origin and how the message is signed.
  • Certificates are used to sign executables, DLLs, and CAB files that run on Windows Mobile-powered devices.

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Vito CopyPaste v1.4 build 72

System utility that greatly simplifies managing your Smartphone. CopyPaste does exactly what its name says in any editable field – edit box. Copy or cut the info from an edit box and paste it to another one. You can also select the necessary part of the edit box contents for copying or cutting to another editable field. CopyPaste saves your time and ink.

How to install and use
Just copy VitoCopyPaste.exe to any place on your device and launch it (the program will start automatically in the future). For 'copy, cut or paste text' press and hold Action button on the edit box.
Supported languages: Czech, Dutch, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Benq E72 Resimleri (images)

Benq E72 fotoğrafları / Pictures of Benq E72

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SDHC 8 GB Memory Cards Support

Cihaz normal olarak 2gb veya 4gb micro sd kartla ile calismakta. SDHC sürücü güncellemesi ile 8gb'a kadar destek veriyor. Yüklemeyi karta degil ana bellege yapiniz. Yükledikten sonra cihazi tekrar baslatiniz.

Here is the driver for the Benq E72. After installing Reset Your Device. Dont forget to install in Main Memory. Driver let E72 read 8G sdhc.

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Benq E72 Security Unlock

Cihazin windows klasorune yazma,editleme gibi mudahale etmek ve bazi registry ayarlarini degistirmek icin gerekli cihaz kilidi acma yontemi. Giris ekranini degistirmek, explorer giris sayfasini degistirmek, windows klasorunde degisiklik yapmak, baslat menusunu duzenlemek ancak bunla mumkun.
1. rar icindeki unlock klasorunu oldugu gibi sd karta atin.
2. firstinstall icindeki "" calistirin.
3. "" calistirin.
4. Cihaz'ın guvenlik kilidi acilmistir.

Fring Kullanıcıları: ve icin kisayol yaratip start menusune tasiyabilirsiniz. Fring ile arama yapmak icin once "" calistirin sonra fringe girin. Bu sekilde Konusma sirasinda gsm kapanma sorunu olmayacaktir. Fring'den ciktiktan sonra "" calistirabilir ve guvenlik kilidi olmadan kullanmaya devam edebilirsiniz. default klasorundeki "" cihazi varsayilan ayarlara dondurecektir. Tekrar aktif etmek icin yine ilk olarak "" calistirmalisiniz.
1. copy unlock directory to sd card.
2. First install "" inside firstinstall directory
3. Then run ""
4. Finally application security is unlocked.

Fring Users:
You can create shorcut for and through start menu. In order to call with fring first, run "" then run fring. Thus, during call there is no gsm disable problem. After exit fring you can run "" and go without security lock. "" inside default directory returns device default factory settings. In order to activate unlocked again you have to run "" first.
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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Opera Mini 4.1 on Benq E72 (Youtube Video)

Cihaz ile opera mini 4.1 de gezerken cekilen video. (My Mobiler 1.2 ile kaydedilmistir.)

Opera Mini 4.1 on Benq E72 windows mobile 6 smartphone (Recorded with My Mobiler v1.2 remote program)

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Opera Mobile 8.65 on Benq E72 (Youtube Video)

Cihaz ile opera 8.65 mobile da gezerken kaydedilen video. (My Mobiler 1.2 ile kaydedilmistir.)

Opera mobile 8.65 on Benq E72 smartphone (Recorded with My Mobiler v1.2 remote program)

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Lingvosoft v1.2.19 Turkish-English Dictionary

Basarili bir ingilizce turkce - turkce ingilizce sozluk..

Resco Explorer v6.15 for Smartphone

Harika bir dosya yoneticisi, ozellik acisindan mevcut dosya yoneticisinden cok daha basarili mutlaka yukleyin. Ayrica registry editor de mevcut..

Google maps v2.0.1.28

Google Maps v2.0.1.28 mobile versiyon. Google'un harita programı tavsiye ederim wifi ile gayet iyi calisiyor.

Skype for smartphone

Iste Harika bir program. Meşur SKYPE 2.2 for windows mobile smartphone.

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Anlik mesajlasmaya imkan veren program skype, googletalk, msn gibi aglara baglanarak sesli konusabilmeye de imkan taniyor. Ayrica sip destegi sayesinde uygun fiyatlara zaman zaman da bedavaya yerel telefonlarin aranmasini sagliyor. Googletalk, Skype ile konusurken seste biraz gecikme(delay) olusmakta. Sip destegi basarili.. Denemeye deger...

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Clear Temp 1.0

Windows Temp klasoru ve internet explorer icin gecici dosyalari, cookieleri silmeye yarayan guzel ufak bir program.

Opera Mini 4.1.10781 (Java)

Opera'nin java ortaminda calisan mesur internet gezgini. Bence harika bir program kesinlikle olmali. Neredeyse masaustu kullaniyormusunuz gibi rahat ve kolay. Sitelerin resimlerin sayfaya oturmasi zoomlama linkler arasi gecis harika..

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Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard Image - Trk (Emulator)

Programlari cihaz'a kurmadan once windows emulator ile pc de test edebilirsiniz.

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Microsoft Office Mobile 6.1 (2007) türkçe

Smartphone wm 6.0 icin Ms ofis 2007 türkçe. Excel,word, powerpoint dosyalarinizi acabilir ve editleyebilirsiniz.

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Coreplayer 1.2.3 (Built-In YouTube Support)

Divx, mp3,mpg,wmv gibi video ses dosyalarini oynatabilen cok iyi bir program. Yeni versiyonu ile youtube videolarinida rahatca izleyebilrsiniz. Tavsiye edilir..

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Internet explorer icin Giriş Sayfası:

Cihazda windows klasorune atildiginda Internet Explorer icin ana sayfayi yapar. (Not öncelikle cihaz unlock edilmeli) istenirse dosya editlenerek baska bir link girilebilir.

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Benq E72 Unlock

Cihazin windows klasorune yazma,editleme gibi mudahale etmek ve bazi registry ayarlarini degistirmek icin gerekli cihaz kilidi acma yontemi. Giris ekranini degistirmek, explorer giris sayfasini degistirmek, windows klasorunde degisiklik yapmak, baslat menusunu duzenlemek ancak bunla mumkun.

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