Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cyberon Voice(Speech) Commander v2.5.1 build 709141 portable (Türkçe, Polski, Russian, English, Espanol)

Cihaz'da ki cyberon sesli komut algılama progamının kendisi sd karta atip voicecommander.exe den portable şekilde çalımakta. Diger smartphone cihazlarda da çalılaşabilir.
Supported Platform- Microsoft Windows Mobile Features & Benefit- Adopts Speaker-Independent (SI) voice recognition technology, no training required- High reliability and accuracy- Supports worldwide languages - Supports bilingual recognition- Supports BlueTooth earphones - Voice control of name dial (Supports at least 1,500 contacts) / digit dial- Voice control of contact query / phone dialer / shortcuts - Voice control of Windows Media - Integration with compact size TTS for command playback / SMS / E-mail / Calendar reader - Highly noise robustness


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

where can a get this software for my benq e72 (the .cab I mean)


Anonymous said...

selam ben senay, gercekten super bir site, eger facebook veya twitter varsa eklemek isterim...